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From Our Blog

Read our most popular blog posts, that have helped many GAPSters to adjust the protocol and achieve quicker healing.

Full GAPS™


Full GAPS™ would be your best option If you are less sensitive, can tolerate most foods, do not have many digestive issues or if you suffer from a severe constipation...


No Plants GAPS™

This protocol is for you if you have an extremely damaged gut. What would that be? Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis, severe food reactions and allergies, chronic diarrhea, children diagnosed with FPIES, severe mental illness and autoimmune disorders...


More Plants GAPS™

The MORE PLANTS GAPS™ is recommended for people prone to constipation if their gut has healed already and they do not have diarrhea, gas or digestive pain. People from tropical areas benefit with more plants in their diet due to the ancestral constitution they inherited.



GAPS™ FASTING is a great quick tool for people who are feeling nausea and/or any other digestive problems. This spectrum will give your guts a very well deserved break. You may also benefit from it if you do not have an appetite, which is usually a sign of high levels of toxicity in your body. It's time to listen to your body and do a 24hr fast if this is your first fast.


Keto GAPS™

The Keto GAPS™ is implemented in a few cases when serious conditions are the problem such as cancer, epilepsy, morbid obesity and stubborn Lyme disease treatment where the person needs to be nourished in a safe ketosis mode.


Our COVID recovery

In August 2020 my husband woke up and coughed a very different cough. It raised my attention.He complained his throat was scratchy. An alarm went off because after adopting our way of eating on Gaps/ Weston Price we had not gotten sick anymore with colds.